Group picture of all the participants of Seiple / Seipel/ Siple / Sciple Reunion in Easton, PA September 1999. Family members traveled far and wide for this gathering. Members came from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, and Georgia. The majority of the participants were decendants of either George Heinrich Seibel or Johan Conrad Seybel.

Roy Siple conducted an extensive lecture about the immigration of the Seybel family and evolution of the name variants. Participants were from many different states of the United States: Virginia, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, and Georgia. Note the white paper that covers the back wall and side wall of the lecture hall. This paper drop was actually two decendancy charts. One chart was for George Heinrich Seibel. The other was for Johan Conrad Seybel. The charts were approxiamately 80 feet wide and each were approximately 2 feet deep. The charts represented the combined genealogical efforts of Roy Siple, Steve Seiple, and Mark Seipel and over 20 years of research.

Revolutionary War Color Guard and ladies in attendance. In the background from left to right: Roy Siple, Steve Seiple, and Mark Seipel. Easton, PA library yard at gravesite of Conrad Seibel. September 1999.