Rheindurkheim, Germany March 1999.
View of the church in Rheindurkheim. Today it is used by both Lutheranand Catholic congregations. The building was rebuilt in 1776 (the date is inscribed above the door) but is on the site of the church that
Johan Conrad Seybel and family attended.

Rheindurkheim, Germany March 1999
Street scene. Rheindurkheim is a small village located between the Rhine River and a busy highway.
The town's population is probably less than 1000.

Rheindurkheim, Germany March 1999
View of the rathause (town hall) and town square. (The Rhine River is
opposite and across a small road.)

Rheindurkheim, Germany March 1999
View of the Rhine River looking north. (The rathause and town square are to the left.) Mounted in the dike is the bow of a ferry used to cross the Rhine River to Nordheim. There is a brass plaque and flag pole to comemorate the ferry runs that were made in the past. Rheindurkheim is no longer used as a ferry site.